Monday 23 July 2012

Hello Burger Lovers!

A good burger is a beautiful thing. Open your mouth as wide as it will go, sink your teeth through the springy, dough of the bap into the layers of hot and cold fillings... the sauces and juices ooze out and dribble down your chin and wrists... savour the taste of a perfectly balanced feast for one.

If only all burgers where like that. That's were we come in. As a highly experienced team of burger munchers we will selflessly and hungrily scoff through Bristol (and the World's) burger offering joints. We will be reviewing our experiences right here, so you don't ever have to go through the terrible experience of biting into a burger and being bitterly disappointed. That's right no more discreet spitting into your paper napkin. We've been there...chewing away at a tough, bland, over cooked slab of mince more suitable for use as a doorstop than for human (or canine) consumption. If we can help prevent this misery happening to others then our work here will all be worthwhile.

We'll tackle the inconsistent world of vege burgers too but mainly Burger Buffs is unashamedly about meat, meat and meat burgers.

Warning! This blog WILL contain gratuitous pictures of juicy burgers and possibly a lot of skinny fries and chunky wedges. And the odd onion ring. Maybe a salad leaf or two.

mhmmm... juicy

Some pictures may cause offence but most will cause arousal of hunger and extreme rumbling of the stomach.

All views are our own so if you don't agree... well the world ain't gonna stop spinning right?